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Tired Iron Modding listed a poll,the Gleaner Combine won 😃 can’t wait to use it on Westby!!!! 

After some research, I figured out how to get grains into the SUKUP grain bins.  But now, I don't know how to get the grains out... lol.  

there is augers on the bins that you put the auger under to unload 

Absolutely wonderful map so far.  Been playing only here for the last week.

Any chance additional animal pens will be allowed in the future?



The more I play this map, the more I am getting back into FS. Thank you for an awesome map, I know there are a few bugs, and I am looking forward too V2. Keep up the good work, and I hope you realize what you have here with this map. Thanks again to you and all those that participated in this project, you all have brought enjoyment to a lot of players!


Thank you! We're getting close on the update I think so it won't be long

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Maybe add in the option of adding an actual house into the farms...kinda sucks when you can only really use something small like the trailer or tent or something next to the non-removable one built into the map and as other's have mentioned, being able to add your own animal pens would be nice as the barns kinda suck with feeding...grains and hay won't go above 20 to 30% but the silage goes to max and when adding a straw bale to the feeding ring out in the pasture they don't register or didn't for me....maybe I'm using the wrong size of bales or something.

Yea I don't know I got the same issues here man I got no either, If you have a least 1 cow in the barn then manure will spawn, other then that cows in the pens do not take Straw at all.


When I feed my cows TMR, it shows like I'm feeding them grain even though I haven't added any corn to my TMR or fed them any kind of grain, the Cows also don't eat the grain so therefor it keeps adding up and taking away from being able to feed them TMR... anyone else experience this or have a fix for it??

I've had one issue with the game, where after leaving and then coming back to fs22, you know you have saved the game, but when you rejoin, theres a chance that the crops will come back, might be a mod conflict or just a glitch, not sure

Is there a specific place where we should report bugs/issues? I feel like random posts here and on the facebook page won't be terribly helpful.

Report them to MB Farms just message him and he will take a look at them. There are many bugs that the team is looking into currently, they will be coming out with a V2 of this map.


Is the update out already ?


No. Updates take time. MB Farms has a lot to go through.  His map was a massive success, leading too many, many downloads, which means many, many bug reports to sift through and address.  So be patient, there will undoubtedly be clear notification here, or on his FB, that an update is ready.

Beautiful map!  I bought the farm around fields 31-37.  The house doesn't have a sleep trigger - do I need to add one on my own?


Yes you do



Thanks for your hard work on this great Map!

We are having issues with removing the tarp from our fermented silage bunker (by the 4 dairy farms)

It is 100% fermented but doesn't allow us to remove the tarp, any suggestions??


Nevermind, I got it to work... I had a tractor parked to close :-(

Hello. Is there any autodrive courses for this map out yet

The beef Pastures say they take straw but I cant find the triggers? do they actually take straw or not, the ones in game don't but I figured id ask

They don't

Also does the TMR need to be tipped into the top of the creep feeder, cant get it to go from the mixer to the creep feeder


The Beef field gate by Field 80 has two gates when you open it up. there is still one gate that shows and you cant use it. 

Just an FYI, I noticed that when I got close to the Stave Silos on the farm by 48, I kept getting a trigger.  I just unloaded into the silos without using the blower.  The blower wasn't even close to the silos.

PSA The Stave Silos on the farm Above Field 66 do not work as the inlets are too high and the Blower from JMF dose not reach up that high, therefore the animation and loading of the Silo is not functional.

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After mowing the grass next to fields 71 69 70 38 and 39 I tried to use course play and it is registering as one big field.

can not get the buy points to work in the north west side of map? anyone else having issues

For example, the Liquid Fertilizer buy point?  I've noticed it, for me at least, it worked with the base game sprayer but did not work with a mod sprayer.  Also, I noticed the output of liquid fertilizer was free, which I don't think it should be free fill ups.

We'll look into it.   It's not free but it does start you off with some already in the tanks

I absolutely love the map!! Is anyone else having the issue where you cant place trees? I believe the error it gave me was "to many trees". Thanks again!

That's a Giants bug

I'm on the farm between 67, 84, and 85. How do I get silage out of the stave silos? I have the one on the left filled with 127k of silage, but idk how to feed it to my cows.

There's a pipe on the opposite side of the inlet to unload it 

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The pipe just goes into the hay loft at this barn, though. I was looking around for the unload trigger, couldn't find it. The hay unload door doesn't have it, either

There's another pipe along the barn wall silo side 

Farm nearest Field 46, Stave silos are not lowered far enough. I had to sell and realign them. (can provide a picture if needed)

We will have it fixed in V2

Make sure your auger is high enough from bin, got mine working like that in the picture.

Why will none of the augers unload grain into either of the grain bins on the farm next to field 33? Have tried out 3 different trailers and tried all augers and you cant unload grain into there at all

Did you open the bin cover?  Just walk next to bin where you can see "Open gate".

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Yep. And put augers over top and no unload trigger. Went and hit CTRL + I and didnt register any grain going into bin. Apparently it wasnt tested cuz garbage bins dont work. About to go into map and delete them and put bins that actually work

They do work. The trigger box or 'hit box' if you will, is small so you have to line it up. It can be difficult to get it to work, but it is possible.

But they do work though.... You have the auger wayy too far down plus the convey-all has difficulties with bins

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No CTRL+I needed. I did set it up like this and works just fine.

Where do I find that grain auger?[0]=AZWxwV2aWa5mHi1dRd59pVk99j...


Did you find all your triggers for the large freestalls above shed in the FS22_cowShed_Westby file?  Thats where they are.


Best map for fs22 as of now!! amazing job guys!!!!

Is there an issue with plowing and creating fields? Its not allowing me to create a new field and when plowing an existing field it misses a lot of spots

That must be an issue on your end. Maybe a mod conflict

anyone find a fix for the straw in the cows barns?

We are working on fixing the large freestalls. The rest of the barns are functional

in version 2 will the houses on the farms be sellable?? Thanks for a awesome map! 


Really minor thing, the icons are switched in the barn on 71 and 48.  The animal icon is inside and the straw/feed drop icon is outside.  It works correctly, (the feed drop works inside and animal trigger works outside)  but it was a little confusing until I realized they were switched. Great map!!

Where is the straw trigger in the large scale dairy barns over by Field 58 and 88...Can unload TMR Mix but it won't accept anything else when driving in.

Should accept straw bales down the middle

None of those barns will...walked down the alley with a straw and hay and didn't take it.

Did you set it on the ground?   If it doesn't take it then we'll have to look into it again

Yeah I did, right by the trigger where it accepted the other stuff and pushed it down the alley way and it won't take straw or hay.


Hmm ok  We'll check it out

is there anyway to get the straw out of the hayloft?

There is a pipe in the barn that you can fill out of

the same one thats used to put it in? and also any left over grass (lets say you missed it while bailing) will it despawn or deteriorate or is it gonna be there forever

No the pipe should be inside of the barn. What barn are you at?    And no Giants made it so that doesn't rot on the ground

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alright i found the unload point for they hayloft was looking in the wrong place. thx! but can you put loose straw into the hayloft?

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also does the animal buy trigger work? doesnt seem it does for me like the one at the m something seeds by the shop

cant figure out the earlage. is there a exact way to do it?

There will be some earlage headers released eventually that will allow better functionality of earlage

Okay; having much trouble getting the New Holland F63B Blower to send Raw CCM up into a placed Stave Silo. What is the best method?

I am unable to get the Gehl mixer to work to make mineral feed i am able to load it just fine but it just stays as the input product

When you unload it it will produce the mineral feed

when i unloaded it it stayed wheat? 

i second that had corn in but stayed corn

The icon for mineral feed is the corn icon on this map, or it comes out as ground feed but has the same funtion as mineral feed

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What is the best way to get feed out of the stave silos and into the Kuhn mixer at the farm near fields 71/48?

Pull up under the pipes on the opposite side of the loading pipes inside of the shed 

any tips on the straw trigger for the freestall barns. I have loose straw and can’t figure out where to dump it. 


where do you put the bales?

Right down the middle of the barn  where you feed

also have 44 dairy cows they are healthy and reproducing. Productivity and milk are at 0% still can’t get straw to work. All the food is full

Are the cows old enough?

Great Map! The only downside for me is that chopper, combine, ... , give not a continous flow. The Straw will be in single heaps with 2m distance in between? Is this because of the 4x map scale?

We have noticed that.   Not sure why it does it honestly.   It may be because of the 4X map size

dans les grandes stabulles au milieu de la map le déclencheur de paille se trouve ou?

Do they harvest white milo in Wisconsin? My milo crop says ready to harvest but is still green.

That is to allow mowing for silage,  You can still harvest it if you want once it turns golden

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